This document is written in the context of the “BMR 3 - REPARATIONS WEEKEND”, an event that will take place in February, from 9th to the 13 of the year 2023 – as advertised on the website www.blackmansreign.com
The purpose of this document is:
- to make clear to the Participant that the event includes certain activities and risks;
- to make sure that the Participant understands those risks and their consequences,
- to make sure that the Participant assumes full and complete responsibility in the decision and the consequences of participating in the Event and its activities;
- to make sure that the Participant will not hold the Promoter of the event as well as other Participants responsible or liable for anything that happens during the Event or the consequences of participating in the activities that will take place in it.
The Registrant understands that:
The event is a sex party, where participants can engage in homosexual sex, according to their free will.
- The event does not come with the promise of sex. Any sexual activity will depend on the will of other participants. The Participant may be denied sex or see himself excluded from other participants’ sexual activity. The Participant may not demand sex from any other participant.
- Any sexual activity must be consensual. The Participant will not force others into any sexual activity.
- The Participant must be of legal age in order to participate in the Event.
- The Participant will fully disclose his HIV/Hepatitis status to the Promoter
- The Participant is healthy and is not infected with any STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease).
- The Participant has been tested for HIV and will present the exam to the Event’s Promoter upon request.
- The Participant is responsible for the security of all of his property. The Event’s promoter is not responsible for any of the Participant’s property and belongings.
- The Participant understands and accepts that, at any time, the Promoter may ask him to leave the event. In such case, no refund or reimbursement of any kind will take place.
- The Participant will not present himself drunk, intoxicated or under the influence of any illegal substance. No illegal substances will be allowed anywhere in the event’s location, at any time.
- The Participant understands that it is his responsibility not to engage in any risky activity that may put his health and the health of others in danger. Any unwanted or unexpected consequences from any behavior or sexual activity upon the Participant are his own responsibility. The Participant, his heirs or representatives will not blame the Promoter, nor demand any retribution, compensation or indemnization in or out of court, in any way, at any time.